How to Boost IELTS Band Scores by Learning Grammar?

IELTS Band Scores

IELTS assesses a candidate’s English language proficiency based on the four criteria: task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy making learning and studying grammar vital to boost IELTS Band Scores.

It is an exam to record your answers either by writing or speaking in English; hence, using him instead of her represents incorrect pronouns meaning a sentence wrong grammatically. Knowing the basics of grammar and its correct usage is essential to enhance your IELTS Band Scores.

Still, can studying only grammar help improve band scores from 6- 7,8 or overall nine bands? If yes, how?

When it comes to the IELTS exam, grammar is inherent to encounter, but skillfully. One must know how to frame a sentence while speaking or writing a solution as per the examiner’s requirements.

We all are afraid of grammar, maybe because of its difficulty and a less fun learning experience. Therefore, we have come up with a few ways to tackle it and enhance your IELTS scores easily.

How to boost IELTS band scores by learning grammar?

Examiners Assessment Criteria

Understanding the exact usage of grammar rules and certain words helps improve one of the examiners’ assessment criteria: grammatical range and accuracy.

In this particular criteria, the examiner looks out for errors in your sentences, if any, and reviews the wide range of sentences you use in your solution. Therefore, acknowledging the rules of grammar and studying them well can aid you to improve your IELTS scores to a great extent.

Know the Basics of Grammar and its Usage

While learning grammar, we have all come across terms like Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Tenses, Passive or Active, but their proper usage in a sentence has always been challenging for many. For example, their or there in a sentence. There is used to describe someone’s something, say “The pink one is their house” or “Tommy is their dog” likewise There is used to describe a place “Place the couch
right over there” or “Do not stand there”.

While writing your solution, know the essential words and their usage grammatically.

A point to note here is knowing to write a sentence in the English language is easy, but the challenge is understanding the basic grammar rules such as; with ‘one of _______ ‘, use of a plural form is a must.

Whether you write or speak the exam solution, one common mistake – “He is one of my friends.” or “He is one of my friends” can cost you 1 or 2 band scores.

There is a lot to grammar that is not a game understood with one article or a day of practice; it involves hard work to be the expertise. However, owing to IELTS, one can be an expert knowing how to frame a sentence intelligently. Another example is crafting a sentence in a simple or complex structure;

Simple Sentence Structure: She is wealthy. She is unhappy.

Complex Sentence Structure: Although she is wealthy, she is unhappy.

Quick homework, Identify the errors;

1. I met Mary two years before.
2. This is a six-month course.
3. They reached an agreement.
4. He is one of my friends.

Answer –

1. I met Mary two years ago.
2. This is a six-month course.
3. They reached an agreement.
4. He is one of my friends.
Research more to study grammar to improve your bands.

Affect Another Marking Criterion

Do you know that studying grammar not only improves the marking of grammatical range and accuracy but it also affects other marking criteria as well?

Accurately crafted sentences help arrange your ideas precisely and advance the sequence of your presented thoughts, marking a band for task achievement coherence, and cohesion.

Moreover, when you study grammar, you come across a variety of different words, enhancing your solution’s vocabulary aiming you a high-scoring IELTS band in the lexical resource marking criteria. For example, for the term ‘free of cost’, one can use other natural words such as; absolutely free or without any charge.

Rewrite the sentence: Some people think that University Education should be free for everyone.
[Here, one can use Tertiary Education or Higher Education for University Education.]

Practice Grammar for IELTS Test

Now that you know a few ways to boost IELTS Band Scores by learning grammar, practice accordingly to achieve your aim.

Practice more & more is the only key to getting your desired marks. The above tips and tricks have helped thousands of candidates appearing for the IELTS test increase their scores by advancing their grammar.


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