Top 12 IELTS Listening Tips and Tricks to Score a Perfect Band 9

IELTS listening tips and tricks

Scoring a band 9 in any IELTS section can be a tricky and, at the same time, score-changing strategy to enhance the overall bands in the exam.
Getting a perfect band 9 in IELTS listening can be made easy with the tips and tricks highlighted below;

Top 12 IELTS listening tips and tricks to score a perfect band 9

1. Type of Test
2. Multitasking and Time Management
3. Read all questions and Reread the first two
4. Lengthy Reading
5. Eliminate ones not your answers
6. Listening and the correct Spelling
7. Grammar in Listening
8. Know the word limit
9. o and 0
10. Importance of knowing Directions
11. Attempt Everything
12. Be Confident

Type of Test

There are two types of IELTS tests, paper-based IELTS test, and computer-based. Which kind of test to give? It is fundamental to know what sort of exam is best suitable for you to be confident while attending the exam.

You can choose any type; however, in a paper type, you get to be flexible, and you can write your answers first on a rough sheet of paper and then in the final answer sheet to eliminate errors. In a computer-based test, you listen to the audio, read the questions, and type the answers at one time, moving your eyes from one part of the screen to the other, making it difficult for some candidates to concentrate.

Yet, as everything is shifted online nowadays, more candidates are likely to use a computer in their daily routine, making paper use challenging. Accordingly, it is entirely on the IELTS aspirant to select the type of test.

Multitasking and Time Management

Listening is the toughest of all other exam sections because you have to listen, read and answer tasks simultaneously. If you practice multitasking, you tend to score a perfect band 9 in this particular section.

It is vital to know how to manage time in the listening module of the exam with 40 questions to answer in 30 minutes. Practice is the key to achieving the best time managing factor.

A IELTS listening tips is to balance it by transferring answers at the end of the section as there are more questions and less time. In a paper-based test, you get 10 minutes to share your answers, while in a computer-based test, you get 2 minutes to check your answers. During this time, you can scan your answers and check for any errors to get a perfect band 9.

Read all questions quickly and Reread the first two.

An essential tip is to read all questions to score a band 9 or band 8 in the listening section of the IELTS exam.

Before the audio plays, there is some time to read the questions. A quick tip is to read all the questions as fast as possible and read the first two twice before the audio starts, as you do not want to lose those questions at the beginning of the audio due to a lack of concentration.

Lengthy reading

You only get a few seconds or, luckily, one minute to read, but what to do if there is a long passage or lengthy options to review? It is technically and practically impossible to read each letter within the provided time frame given the particular situation. In such cases, the tip to crack band 9 is focussing on keywords.

Scan your questions and focus on the keywords before the audio plays.

An unsaid and unique tip to pull off your game on IELTS listening is to read the questions on the next part when the time is allotted to check the answers to the last detail. Once the audio ends, there are fewer chances of writing solutions to the questions. A trick is to utilize the time to the optimum.

Eliminate ones not your answers

There are times when the audio starts playing, and the candidate is so confused to get back to the questions and misses the conversation and thereby loses the answer. It generally happens in the MCQ type of questions with extended options to read.

A bit of information for such types is to cancel off the options that are not the answers and solve them at the end of the test when you get time to review. This method increases the chance of getting an answer correct by 80% as two options are already eliminated from 4, and the remaining can be analyzed by the information you heard.

Listening and the correct Spelling

Now that you are aware of how to manage the time between reading the questions and listening to the audio, understand that writing the correct form of response is also crucial.

Spelling errors are not at all justified. However, the British and American form of a word is acceptable, for example, practice or practice but writing in British English is advisable.

Grammar in Listening

Do you think grammar holds importance for the questions asked in the listening component of the IELTS test?

Yes, it is a definite one. Along with spelling errors, you must keep an eye on grammar while responding. Plural form and Singular form are typical mistakes the candidates make, especially while attending the listening section of the IELTS exam. Another is the use of an article – a, an, or the in your responses.

Know the word limit

Apart from concentrating on what to answer, focus on the word limit. Generally, the candidates forget to read the word limit instructions and record the wrong responses.

An IELTS listening tips and tricks is also to know the meaning of the terms “No more than two words” and ” at least one word”. The terms describe the upper limit of writing your responses in words. No more than two words represent the upper limit of two words or less, whereas at least one word means the minimum of one word with no upper limit.

o and 0

In the listening section of the IELTS test, there are usually phone numbers presented. The British spell 0 as oh in phone numbers. Sometimes candidates also get confused with 0 as 4 while listening; concentrating is the only key in this section to score a band 9.

Importance of knowing Directions

At times questions are asked in the form of diagrams in this section, such as maps or tables. Knowing the directions beforehand helps to boost the score. It can be IELTS Listening Tips to make up your mind with the vocabulary of maps—for example, North, South, East, West, North East, South West, and such.

Attempt Everything

Now that there is no penalty for wrong answers, the other trick is to attempt every question. When you concentrate on the conversation, you tend to follow the flow and the chances of getting an answer right by the chance increase.

Be confident

Being confident is good, but overconfidence can rule you off. Confidence helps to pull your concentration level, which in turn can be a perfect way to level up your score on the listening section of the IELTS exam.

Follow the above IELTS Listening Tips and Tricks to improve IELTS Listening bands.

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