IELTS One Skill Retake

IELTS Test takers now have a chance to take their IELTS Score higher in single module

Great news for all IELTS aspirants! Test takers of the world’s most popular high-stakes language test, (IELTS), will soon have access to a new feature to help them boost the score they need to achieve their global learning and career goals.

On 28 october, 2022, The IELTS One Skill Retake test will be introduced by IDP, according to a recent announcement. If a student does not get the score they were hoping for on the first try, they will have the option to retake only one of the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, or Speaking) on the IELTS exam. There are still a lot of unknown concerns at this point, but it is clear that the implementation of the IELTS One Skill Retake might have a significant influence on how long it takes test-takers to get their goal scores. For instance, 

  • Will you be able to take the IELTS One Skill Retake once, or many times?
  • What would be the cost of One skill retake?
  • And will all professional bodies and governments accept the IELTS One Skill Retake certificate?

What questions do we have about the IELTS One Skill Retake?

This initial communication regarding the IELTS One Skill retake obviously raises more questions than it does answers. What is certain, though, is that IELTS has listened to test-takers and recognises the necessity of introducing the option for students to repeat just one portion of the exam rather than being required to do so.

This is crucial for children whose grades vary across modules. For instance, they could discover that their Speaking score fluctuates between a 6.5 and a 7.0, while their Writing score remains constant at a 6.5. Nothing is more upsetting for students in this situation than working so hard to get a 7.0 in writing only to get a 6.5 in speaking. Students can now “hold” their Writing score of 7.0 and merely take Speaking again. Isn’t it great. However, there are still a number of points that remain unclear:

  1. The initial communication said that the plan will launch in the major cities of Australia. It is unclear, however, if this is merely a prototype programme (i.e., one that is being evaluated before being implemented globally) or if they are only the first centres to provide the IELTS One Skill Retake and others across the globe will soon follow.
  2. There is also no mention of the test’s fee or how many times a student may take the IELTS One Skill Retake. Will it be possible to retake the test, or is this just a one-time opportunity following the completion of a comprehensive test?
  3. There is no word on whether the second form will be recognised by institutions other than the Australian Department of Home Affairs. Will you be able to use the IELTS One Skill Retake to seek Canadian residency? My expectation is that each of these organisations will have its own policy, so we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

Warwick Freeland, Managing Director – IELTS, IDP Education, said One Skill Retake has been introduced after listening to test taker feedback.

With the right preparation and support, we know our test takers achieve their best score the first time around,” Mr Freeland said.

“However, we listened to our test takers and they told us they wanted the opportunity to retake one section of the test if they didn’t get the score they were aspiring for on test day,” he said.

“With One Skill Retake, test takers can get their study, migration or work applications plans back on track,” he said.”

Read also – IELTS Exam Day: A Survival Guide

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